As a MHM, you have the independence to set order cycles, open site and close site times, as well as pick up days and locations. However, there is a certain amount of organizing that comes with landing on the right logistics for your community.
Decide if you are going to be a sister hub to another market nearby and coordinate schedules to make distribution streamlined for producers
Talk to other producers to ensure they are available at a designated drop off day/time
Talk to potential customers to see what days/times would be convenient for them to pick up at the Hub location
The proven FarmDrop model is open Shopping Hours: Friday 9am – Monday 11:59pm. Producer drop off Wednesday mornings – and Customer pick up on Wednesday evenings. Some Hubs have Thursday Producer drop off/Customer pick up days. It can be helpful to offer 24-48 hours between closing your Shopping Hours and having Producers deliver products.
You will have access to adjust these details in your Market Hub portal. These details can change as needed, but consistency is key.