Market Hub Guide to Marketing

Thank you for joining as a market hub manager, we are thrilled to have you join our network of community market hubs and online local food stores. The best has yet to come, so let’s get you trained on how to use our marketing systems so we can get the word out quick and easy.

Your accomplishments this far:

  • you have established the order cycle and logistics of your market hub
  • you have signed an MOU with
  • you have gotten around 6-10 producers engaged, and some have already signed up

Next steps are to get familiar with our marketing process.

In order to follow this training you will need to have gotten your Active Campaign credentials from [email protected] and also set up your Facebook and Instagram accounts with the approved FarmDrop market hub names, and logos.

Please have those open on your browser and phone so you can get some things done right now!

Here we go… click on the lesson below.