Join Us in Our Mission
Welcome to FarmDrop!
Our Network of online farmers markets is excited to take the next steps with you to set you up as a FarmDrop Market Hub Manager for your community. It takes about three weeks to launch a market, our team is here to support you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out to other market hub managers to get a sense of their experience by going to > Find Your Market.
Our Team is based in Maine that will guide you through the steps of getting set up. You will start working with our Sales and Marketing Team for the first 3-6months, and then as your marketplace gains in complexity you might also start working with our Tech Team to do some customization work for your marketplace based on your evolving needs. If you haven’t already, you will meet our CEO, Hannah Semler, who has direct relationships with all market hub managers.
- Sales >
- Marketing >
- Tech Team >
- General Inquiries >
Our Tools are easy to navigate and sometimes self-explanatory, but we have also created a set of companion guides for you and your producers, as well as customers, so you can always find quick answers to your questions without having to get in touch with us and wait for a repsonse.
- Training Platform >
- Producer Intro Training >
- Producer Store Set Up >
This training portal is designed to provide you with step-by-step resources to learn how the operations and systems of your FarmDrop market work, as well as give a broader overview and introduction to you and your producers about who we are and how we work.
Most of your time will be spent managing your market hub on the e-commerce platform. We will provide you with the credentials you need to get into the marketplace when Application, MOU, Email List, and Producer List are complete.
- Sales Platform >
- Registration Page >
- Payment Processing > (* you can set this up in advance)
Logging into with your MHM email address (we will provide this) will allow you access to the back-end of your Market Hub website. Here, you will be able to assist your Producers with their online stores, assist customers with troubleshooting their account, do refunds, download weekly reports, and track your weekly sales.
Throughout the process you will be able to access quick answers to your questions:
- Help Desk >
- For all help with tech support, please email
Please continue on to the following steps below to help your market hub get ready for launch!